Winter Cosy

Misty mornings and long dark nights – make the most of the greyest of days by embracing the lack of Iight and the need to layer up – create cosy corners to curl up in with that book you’ve been meaning to read – push those armchairs together and have a proper catch up – loads of blankets – soft lighting -lampshades – such an easy and quick to change your lighting – the right low wattage bulbs – plenty of side tables for those drinks or yummy snacks – maybe  treat yourself and your guest to a fluffy pair of fab socks!

Lesley / December 12, 2023

Misty mornings and long dark nights – make the most of the greyest of days by embracing the lack of Iight and the need to layer up – create cosy corners to curl up in with that book you’ve been meaning to read – push those armchairs together and have a proper catch up – loads of blankets – soft lighting -lampshades – such an easy and quick to change your lighting – the right low wattage bulbs – plenty of side tables for those drinks or yummy snacks – maybe treat yourself and your guest to a fluffy pair of fab socks!


Or get lots of your friends together – keep those Christmas lights out – who wouldn’t want to spend time somewhere beautiful and magical surrounded by good company and great food – make sure to make something the day before that only needs reheating – the flavours have a chance to marinate and that way you get to actually spend time with your guests – no need for scented candles – let the food do the talking!


Winter can seem drab – but the beauty and colours are still there – you just have to look a little harder!